Co-Occurring Meth Addiction Treatment Center & Hospital in Chandler, AZ

Oasis Behavioral Health Hospital helps individuals struggling with meth addiction build a strong foundation for long-term recovery. Serving the Chandler community, Oasis is the premier provider of mental health & co-occurring addiction treatment for adolescents and adults.

Co-Occurring Learn More About Meth Addiction Treatment

Learn more about meth addiction treatment at Oasis Behavioral Health Hospital in Chandler, AZ

When people become addicted to methamphetamine, it can quickly take over their life. Even if someone tried using meth simply out of curiosity, the extremely addictive nature of the substance can instantly grab hold of the person. People who become addicted to meth will inevitably find that most, if not all, aspects of their lives have been significantly impacted in a negative way. They may find that they are no longer able to function appropriately, they may lose their jobs or fail academically, and they may find that relationships that had been important to them have fallen apart. Addiction does not have to rule your life. There is help available.

At our hospital for meth abuse, we have many years of helping people who are struggling with addictions and dealing with mental illnesses. We understand the challenges that living a life addicted to meth, or having a loved one addicted to meth, can present and so we offer intensive programming designed to meet the needs of adolescents and adults who are struggling to overcome this addiction. Through our acute inpatient hospital and our residential treatment center, we serve the inpatient needs of our patients in a safe and secure environment. Our newly renovated hospital provides those who come to us for treatment with modern, clean surroundings as they work towards successful recovery. At our hospital for meth addiction, we make it our number one goal to instill hope, purpose, and optimism in every client that we treat.

How to Help a Loved One

Helping a loved one get treatment for meth addiction

If you have a family member or loved one who is fighting the demon of meth addiction, you might be feeling fed up and frustrated with the fact that he or she continues to participate in such a self-destructive behavior instead of just walking away from it. However, along with that frustration, you might also be feeling fearful of what your loved one’s future holds. You might be scared of the devastating consequences that can occur as a result of prolonged meth abuse. While you know that your loved one needs help, you might feel apprehensive about approaching him or her with your concerns because you are worried that he or she will become defensive and ultimately shut you out. Although the initial reaction may be a negative one, it is important to keep trying to get your loved one to understand how desperately he or she needs help.

If you are feeling nervous about talking to your loved one about getting treatment, here are some suggestions to keep in mind when speaking with him or her:

  • Refrain from being, or sounding, judgmental or accusatory
  • Try not to lecture or argue with your loved one because this will most likely result in a defensive response
  • Listen and try to be sympathetic
  • Offer support and reassurance
  • Gain support from other people in your loved one’s life who can help with the intervention

Why Consider Treatment

Why consider treatment for meth addiction at Oasis Behavioral Health Hospital in Chandler, AZ

If you are addicted to meth, you might be feeling extremely concerned about what your future will look like if you continue using. If you have a child who is addicted to meth, you may be feeling helpless as to how you can help him or her overcome the addiction so that he or she can have a chance at a bright future. These concerns are completely understandable because, without proper treatment, the long-term effects of meth abuse can be devastating, sometimes even fatal. Do not let it get to that point.

Both acute inpatient treatment and residential treatment centers have proven to be successful at treating people who are addicted to methamphetamine. These types of centers can help adolescents and adults address the underlying emotions that surround their continued use, as well as confront any additional mental health or behavioral concerns that may be present. By receiving treatment in an inpatient setting or in a residential treatment center, people are able to step away from the routines of their everyday lives, leaving behind any stressors that may trigger them into wanting to use meth, and focus solely on healing. Through the use of various therapeutic methods and the potential implementation of appropriate medication, either of these two centers can help you reach the goals you need to in order to overcome your addiction and go on to live the healthy, sober life that you deserve.

Our Philosophy

Oasis Behavioral Health Hospital philosophy and treatment benefits

At our hospital for meth addiction in Chandler, AZ, our philosophy is centered on helping those who come to us for treatment find hope, purpose, and optimism. We believe that hope comes from helping our patients to recognize that their future can be different and is the fuel necessary for complete recovery. Our highly trained and qualified staff strive to help individuals define their purpose outside of addiction and mental illness. We want to guide them in developing discharge plans that emphasize their strengths and desired purpose. At our hospital for meth abuse, we approach all of our clients with optimism about their recovery and about their future, addressing each roadblock independently and using any setbacks that may arise as opportunities for growth.

Types of Treatment

Types of meth addiction treatment offered at Oasis Behavioral Health Hospital in Chandler, AZ

When patients first arrive at our hospital for meth addiction, they take part in a comprehensive evaluation in order for us to gain an understanding of the unique needs presented by each individual. By doing this, we are able to determine the most appropriate level of care that will meet those specific needs. We have an acute inpatient hospitalization program that has been designed for adolescents aged 11-17 and adults aged 18 and older who are in need of a secure environment in order to find stabilization and recovery.

In addition to our inpatient treatment center, we also offer a residential treatment center for adolescents between the ages of 11 and 17. This program is designed specifically to meet the needs of children and adolescents who are struggling with substance abuse issues, as well as other emotional and behavioral concerns.

Through the use of a variety of evidenced-based therapeutic practices and experiential programming options, the staff at our hospital for meth abuse can help guide you or your loved one down the path for lasting recovery.

Treatment approaches for our acute inpatient center can include:

Medication: We are not a detox treatment center, but it is possible that some patients may need to have medication implemented as part of their treatment plan. While being treated in our inpatient hospital, patients see a provider daily for medication management in order to ensure its effectiveness and to make any changes that may be necessary.

Group therapy: Our inpatient treatment center is designed to be group-focused, so we hold various group sessions multiple times every day that cover a variety of different topics. Some of these groups include community groups, social services groups, recreation groups, and behavioral health groups. We also hold experientially based sessions that are designed to enhance our patients’ functioning levels in certain key areas of their lives that may have been previously ignored as a result of prolonged drug use or existing psychiatric conditions. These sessions may include physical, emotional, and social well-being, daily living skills, sexuality, spirituality, adult education opportunities, vocational development, and recreation and leisure.

Family therapy: While being treated on an inpatient basis, patients have at least one family therapy session where they can process through the varying emotions that may have resulted from the presence of the meth addiction and work towards repairing any relationships that may have been damaged.

At our hospital for meth addiction, we also provide education sessions every Monday night for the family members of patients being treated at our centers.

Treatment approaches for our residential treatment center can include:

Medication: Children and adolescents at our residential treatment center will meet with a psychiatrist every two weeks in order to provide medication management. As is true for our inpatient treatment center, our residential program does not include detox treatment. However, it is possible that medications may be implemented if they are deemed necessary to help treat a co-existing disorder, like depression or anxiety. All medication decisions will be made by you and your child’s treatment team together.

Daily school: All of the children who are enrolled at our residential treatment center attend school Monday through Friday for at least three hours each day. Our on-site school, Oasis Recovery School, is fully accredited and offers individualized education plans designed specifically for each child. All of our teachers hold special education certifications and work with the children to recover lost credits, catch up on skills, maintain the same academic standing as their peers, and graduate on time.

Individual therapy: The children and adolescents in our residential treatment center meet one-on-one with a therapist for individual therapy sessions once each week. This time is allotted for patients to have a confidential environment to process through the experiences they are having throughout the course of treatment.

Family therapy: Family therapy sessions are held at a minimum of once every two weeks and are meant to be a time for the patient and his or her family members to come together to explore how treatment is going for the patient, as well as to address any negative effects that the drug use has caused within the family as a whole.

Family members of patients at our residential treatment center are also encouraged to attend the Monday night family education sessions.

Group therapy: Group sessions are held on a daily basis and include process groups, goal-setting groups, coping skills groups, and substance abuse groups for those who are in the substance abuse program.

Experiential methods: We provide our patients with a number of experiential programming options in addition to the traditional therapeutic methods. These options may include daily recreation, gym, art, talking circles, time spent outside, and Bible study.

Continuing Care

Continuing care and levels of treatment for meth addiction

At our hospital for meth abuse in Chandler, AZ, we strive to make the discharge process as easy as possible. We understand that leaving any type of intensive treatment can be intimidating for patients, so our treatment teams works intensively to provide all patients with referrals to various outpatient providers who can provide psychiatric, psychological, and addiction support once they leave our programs. We will do everything in our power to make sure that the transition process flows as smoothly as possible so that you can be successful as you continue on to the next stage of healing.

Our Levels of Care
Inpatient Care

Short-Term / 24/7 Care / Reside at Hospital

Residential Care

Long-Term / Reside at Hospital

Outpatient Care

Reside at Home / Weekday Programming